You can book lessons online via the online booking system below. Please note: we are not a riding school and therefore lessons are only on your own horse, we are sadly not able to provide horses to train on.
- 30 minute private session: £45.00
- 45 minute private session: £50.00
- 60 minute private session: £55.00
- 45 minute semi private session: £60.00 (£30 per person)
- 1 hour semi private session : £70.00 (£35 per person)
- 1 hour group session (3 riders max): £75.00 (£25 per person)
- 1 hour Introduction to Testt-based system (private session - please book this if you have not used this system before): £65.00
- 45 minute private session using Testt systems: £52.00
- 1 hour private session using Testt systems: £57.00
Simply select the session you want from the list along the top, pick your date and time and book on. If you are booking a Group (3 people) or a Semi Private Session (2 people) please can you include names, phone numbers and details for all people attending in the Notes box.
REFUNDS - Please note that any refunds made will be subject to a booking fee debit to cover the PayPal charge. A 36 hour cancellation policy applies - if a lesson is cancelled within 36 hours of it taking place no refund will be given but a full refund will be given if the cancellation is outside of this period.
Please do not use any symbols when booking, e.g. apostrophes (') or hyphens (-) as this can mean the booking is not processed correctly.